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Three: Teeth

Flossing is Bad for You I've heard from just about every person in my life that I should be flossing my teeth.  Knowing that most of the people preaching to me did not in fact floss their own teeth, I denied the action's powers, treating my teeth the way one might their pet cat. I would check in every once in a while, give them a good brush or at least a swish of toothpaste, and only clean them to the point of bleeding when I was hours away from smiling up at a dentist holding some very sharp tools.  This is how I ended up paying for immense tooth pain, a root canal, and a crown with my time, money, and sanity.  Now I floss my teeth, religiously.  Fast forward about two years. We're sitting in the present day, atop the San Bernardino mountain range at a school that specializes in outdoor education. This lovely final Monday in February, we have about 500 students from Southern California, enjoying their first experiences with real snow that has just begun to fall.  Little

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